Welcome to the Bedford Folk Dance Club
The Bedford Folk Dance Club commences from September on Thursday evenings from 8.00 (local time )every week except Xmas and August
We are a lively and friendly club who meet every Thursday evening at St. Mary's Church Hall, Church Lane, Bedford MK41 0HL.
We welcome a wide age range to the club, couples and singles attend and there is no necessity to bring a partner. A friendly atmosphere ensures that nobody spends an evening sitting out. As a new dancer you will join in from the start, there are no formal lessons but experienced dancers will guide you through the dances so you will soon gain confidence and get to know people and the basic moves such as Stars, Ladies Chain, Do Si Do and Grand Chain.
There is no dress code; jeans and trainers are acceptable.
You can find a map and directions of how to get to the dances on the How to Find Us Page
Why not come along and join us at St. Mary's Church Hall one Thursday evening and enjoy a night with Bedford Folk Dance Club. The cost is £3 per night the session lasts for 2 hours with a refreshment break.
We have a rotation of professional callers who instruct and lead the dancing; each caller has their own choice of music and dances, ranging from traditional British and American Folk tunes in “Olde English” Playford Styles, or American Squares and Contra Dancing.
A refreshment break with tea/coffee, soft drinks & biscuits is held which gives everyone the chance of a well-earned breather, a chance to chat and hear any announcements about forthcoming events.
We have a complete listing of all the events that we host (and some others) on the Event Calendar.
Before Covid we held occasional Saturday night dances with a live band and a celebrity caller. These dances enable dancers' family, friends and dancers from other clubs to share your enjoyment and we hope to do these again soon.
For more information please see the Contact Us page